Mary Ellen Hill ~ Storyteller & Teacher


My rates are based on the following criteria:

1. Length of performance.
2. Preparation time - All performances are tailored to the specific audience, individual or group, and the venue. Research, planning, gathering materials, conferring with clients, and set-up time are included in the preparation.
3. Number of people attending - Planning logistics will increase in complexity with the size of the audience.
4. Type of venue -Non-profit, corporate sponsored, private parties...
5. Number of performances-Single Engagement, Weekly, Monthly, Seasonally.
6. Distance traveled.
7. Out of town fees (travel, food and lodging). - These are all determined on a case by case basis.

Please contact me for an estimate, based on your criteria parameters.


1. My fee at a local Preschool for Traditional Storytelling is $75 for a once a month, half-hour performance for their 24 children. My total travel time is 20 minutes and my preparation time is 30 minutes. This rate reflects the fact that this is an ongoing engagement.

2. My fee for a 45 minute performance for Traditional Storytelling for a Middle School for three sixth grade classes, a total of 80 students, is $225. My travel time is 45 minutes and my preparation time is 1 hour.

3. My fees for birthday parties range from $150 - $400, depending on the above criteria.

4. My fee for a 20 minute performance of "We are the Stars that Sing " wearing my Cosmic Costume at a Unity church is $300. My travel time is an hour and a half and preparation time is 4 hours.

5. My fee for four 45 minute performances with 40-50 students in each session of the Interactive version of "We are the Stars the Sing" at a Montessori School is $600. My travel time is 1 hour and preparation time is 4 hours. This was a day long event at their school.

6. My fee for a full day and evening Retreat for 40 people at a Catholic Church is $1000. This retreat included "The Cosmic Spiral Walk" with time for reflections / questions, discussion, and artistic expression and The Cosmic Costume performance of "We are the Stars that Sing". My preparation time is 10 hours. My additional travel fee is $600. Total fee:$1600.


All my fees are negotiable. I want it to work for both of us!

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heart arms star sun  moon  earth spiral

Oakland, California, USA, North American Continent, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe
Mary Ellen Hill ~ Storyteller & Teacher
Telephone 510-219-3474
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